Pastor Renee Ford |
This morning, Pastor Renee Ford’s sermon was on Luke 8:16-21
which teaches us that Jesus listened generously to others.
When we listen to others, are we listening with our whole
heart? Or are we distracted? Is it hard to keep our attention on the other person’s conversation
when so many things are racing through our minds?Sometimes, we need a friend to generously listen to us. I know I do.
As we remember that September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, be generous in listening to neighbors and coworkers.

Here is an interesting blog that tells what people are doing to provide "free listening".
Pastor Renee Ford is the pastor for Grays United Methodist Church, Houserville House of Hope, and Woodycrest United Methodist Church. She is also an Instructional Designer for the Department of eLearning Design and Innovation Group in the Smeal College of Business at Penn State.